Please help us welcome another great new sponsor for ShiftCon 2016, Ganeden Probiotics!
Ganeden is an international probiotic ingredient supplier at the forefront of probiotic research and product development with an extensive library of published studies, and over 130 patents in probiotic technologies.
Ganeden is most well-known for GanedenBC30® (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086), a probiotic strain used in a variety of foods, beverages and companion animal products. GanedenBC30 is very unique probiotic, designed by nature to survive and thrive through almost any manufacturing process, so more probiotic cells can make it to your gut and help support your digestive and immune systems. It is currently used in more than 500 products worldwide, from beverages and snacks to protein bars and meal replacement shakes.
According to the Ganeden website, GanedenBC30 is an amazing probiotic because:
Because GanedenBC30 is a spore-forming probiotic strain, it survives manufacturing processes and stomach acids to help deliver beneficial bacteria more effectively to your digestive system*.
GanedenBC30 requires no refrigeration and has a three year shelf life in products. That means that the number of probiotic cells that go in during manufacturing is the same number of effective cells you get when you consume the products with the probiotic.IT’S SAFE
GanedenBC30 has over 20 published clinical studies and is the only Bacillus with FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status.IT PRODUCES LACTIC ACID
GanedenBC30 produces lactic acid which lowers the pH of the intestines making it less hospitable for bad bacteria to grow*.IT DELIVERS LIVE CELLS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVELY THAN COMMON PROBIOTIC YOGURT
In an independent lab study of a simulated gastric environment with a pH of 2.0 for two hours, GanedenBC30 delivered live cells 10 times more effectively than common probiotic yogurts.*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.
Ganeden also has a topical ingredient called Bonicel. It is the first science-backed, probiotic-derived skincare ingredient shown to significantly improve the appearance of seven common signs of aging. Bonicel is used in a variety of skin care products, from anti-aging cream to nail care!
Ganeden will be at the ShiftCon 2016 Expo, sharing more information about probiotic research, ingredients and how they’re used! You can find more information about the company and its ingredients on their site, and connect with them via the Ganeden Facebook and Twitter!