Please help us welcome back Nature’s Path for ShiftCon 2016! We’re so excited to have them back again!
Nature’s Path has some exciting new for us! You can read more about it below:
Nature’s Path Achieves Zero Waste Certification
“If you know the Nature’s Path family, then you’ve likely heard the words: “always leave the earth better than you found it” at least once before.
Arran Stephens, our Nature’s Path co-founder, first heard this phrase himself while learning to care for his family’s organic berry farm alongside his father Rupert. Years later, upon starting Nature’s Path, Arran and his wife Ratana wove these words into the fabric of the company so as to never lose sight of our values.
Today at Nature’s Path we aim to leave the earth better than we found it not only through our commitment to organic farming, but also through our environmental sustainability efforts, and particularly – our ambition to be Zero Waste.
“Zero Waste”, as defined by the US Business Council, involves designing products and managing processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials while conserving and recovering all resources, without burning or burying them. By implementing Zero Waste processes, a company effectively “eliminates all discharges to land, water or air that are a threat to planetary, human, animal or plant health.”
This year at Nature’s Path, we were extremely excited to announce that two of our plants have achieved Zero Waste certification – the first cereal company in North America to be recognized with such an achievement.
We’re so proud of our corporate sustainability efforts here at Nature’s Path and we couldn’t do it without the support of our environmentally-minded consumers. We thank you for choosing organic and we look forward to continue to collaborate with you to leave the earth better than we found it!”
Nature’s Path will be providing a variety of their products as part of the breakfast meals at ShiftCon 2016! You can find out more information about the company and their products on their website, and connect with them through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!