In folklore, gremlins were mischievous imps that sabotaged machinery. These tricksters were the hidden culprits behind inexplicable problems. For pilots in World Wars I and II, gremlins were the little imaginary creatures that carried invisible scissors, tinkering with the machinery, cutting critical lines and causing mechanical failures and plane crashes.
In real life, though, tiny amounts of certain environmental toxins can sabotage the machinery of our bodies. They trick our hormone systems and cause seemingly inexplicable problems, including extra difficulty with weight loss. They tinker with our metabolisms and cut normal lines of communication in the body. They can nudge diets to fail and hopes to crash.
Endocrine disruptors muck with many hormone systems within the body. It’s an area of serious and growing scientific concern. In some cases, exposure to as little as one part per billion of an endocrine disruptor has been shown to cause obesity with no change in calories in or exercise. Toxins that cause or contribute to obesity or that block weight loss are called obesogens.
In our modern chemical-laden world, learning about obesogens gives you a leg up, for yourself and your family. Obesogens are lurking – often unrecognized – in certain foods, food containers, pots and pans, shampoos, kids’ toys, furniture cushions, air fresheners and in prescriptions medications (including ones taken by millions of Americans). Even some light bulbs are obesogens.
The great news is that very simple steps can make a huge difference.
In our session you will learn dramatic examples of how obesogens can affect your weight, even when eating and exercising the same amount. You might be able to eat more and stay the same weight. Or eat the same and lose weight more easily. You’ll learn to spot the obesogens that may be affecting your family and, perhaps more importantly, about simple alternatives that can make your life easier and healthier.
Often folklore arises as an attempt to explain something that seems to defy explanation or as a story vehicle to pass along known truths important for living. Gremlin stories probably served both functions.
Now science has identified and is rapidly exploring important influences on our weight that were recently unknown. You won’t think about weight the same way again.
Workshop Presented By:
Alan Greene, MD— Dr. Greene is a leading physician exploring the relationship between the environment and health and is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Lighting Science.