Dr Chen Vivian is a UK board-certified doctor in internal medicine and family practice. She now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and has ditched her prescription pad to instead help clients by identifying root causes and lifestyle interventions. One of the lifestyle interventions she specializes in is reducing toxin exposure.
She has battled with cystic acne, anxiety, brain fog, chronic fatigue, and told by numerous doctors that it was normal. Refusing to accept it as “normal”, she started to do her own research and discovered the power of nutrition. She also started to realize that environmental toxins can play a critical contributory role in chronic diseases.
Today she coaches clients back to health through nutrition, exercise, mindset, stress and toxin reduction. She also shares valuable information you won’t get from conventional medical doctors via her website www.platefulhealth.com and her Instagram https://www.instagram.com/plateful.health/?hl=en