Priya Khan is the founder and worrier-in- chief of NutriGold®, a nutritional supplements company she founded in 2010. Powered by integrity and guided by a philosophy of excellence, Priya has spent the last seven years revolutionizing, redefining and raising the bar on sustainability, quality, accountability, and transparency within the dietary supplements industry. Her most notable accomplishments include embracing the use of non-GMO and organic ingredients, rejecting the use of chemical additives and GMOs in dietary supplements, championing third-party testing, and empowering consumers to make informed decisions through education.
When she is not busy obsessing about making clean-label, guilt-free, whole food supplements to nourish and fuel real-life, everyday superheroes or micromanaging every single detail of her kids’ lives, Priya enjoys spending time with her best friend and husband of 14 years, playing Lumosity (yes, it is as geeky as it sounds), writing poetry, and binge-watching TV shows on Hulu.
I am curious to how Your vitamins contribute and support health in these stressed out and deficient foods life. I am a natural hygiene consultant, and even though I believe in a whole food plant based diet and live accordingly, I have found that sometimes is not enough. I have ordered online your C supplements and hope I will feel the difference. Do you have reviews on your products from clients? If you have news letters and updating information I would be very happy to receive them to my e-mail.
Regards Tsedef Hadar