Bio for Lori Popkewitz Alper Lori Popkewitz Alper is a recovering attorney and the founder of Groovy Green Living (Groovy Green Livin), a site dedicated to building healthy families together. A contributing writer for multiple blogs and websites including The Huffington Post and Moms Clean Air Force, Lori speaks, writes and advises on a variety of issues related to creating a non-toxic, healthy lifestyle.
Lori has received numerous awards and accolades, including receiving an award from the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate for her commitment to promoting environmental education and awareness. She also successfully petitioned Procter & Gamble to remove a cancer causing chemical from Tide Free & Gentle laundry detergent.
She has been featured on ABC World News, The Weather Channel, CBS Boston, and ABC Boston and featured in the Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Woman’s Day, LA Times, Yahoo! Shine, Care2, Earth911 and Bloomberg News. Lori was a speaker at ShiftCon 2014 and ShiftCon 2015.
Lori lives in the Greater Boston area with her three sons and her groovy husband. In her free time she can be found practicing yoga, pitching a baseball, running, cycling, skiing, reading, cooking, or trying out a new eco- friendly product.