Hannah Crum is The Kombucha Mamma and the originator of the Kombucha Kamp workshop founded in 2004. Soon after, she and husband Alex LaGory, aka Alex Kombucha, partnered to create www.KombuchaKamp.com, the top informational site for Kombucha in the world. With a stated mission to“Change the world, one gut at a time,” the website was founded to provide clear, quality information about the brewing process and Kombucha lifestyle. Hannah tours as a popular speaker about Kombucha, fermentation, and bacteriosapiens at corporate and health conferences, fermentation festivals and events around the world. As an outgrowth of their corporate consulting, industry reporting and class marketing efforts, Hannah & Alex co-founded Kombucha Brewers International in 2014 to unite and advocate for the commercial Kombucha bottling industry around the world. Through Kombucha Kamp’s videos, blog posts, online support communities, and their award winning, Amazon bestseller The Big Book of Kombucha(Storey Publishing, 2016, 400 pgs.), they serve as mentor to millions of homebrewers and commercial producers around the world. Visit www.KombuchaKamp.com for all your Kombucha brewing supplies, tips, recipes and more!
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