Doniga Markegard has a background in wildlife tracking, holistic management and permaculture. She is the author of Dawn Again: Tracking the Wisdom of the Wild. Along with her husband Erik and four children, Doniga lives on a coastal ranch in San Gregorio, CA. The family stewards 10,000 acres of grasslands and provides nutrient dense grass-fed beef and lamb as well as pasture raised pork, chicken and dairy. Doniga is passionate about finding ways to regenerate lands and community through practices that build soil, sequester carbon, capture and purify water and enhance habitat. Doniga has an immense passion for the natural world and helping others live a life of balance with the earth and all living things, leading a life of example where her own actions are deliberated into the health of the future generations. Find out more at donigamarkegard.com or markegardfamily.com