Ready for some ShiftCon photo fun? During the conference, enter our photo contest and you could win prizes!
Here are the details:
Take a photo from any (or all) of the categories below.
Share it via Twitter or Instagram, using the hashtag #shiftcon AND including the category in your caption.
The photos will be voted on by everybody at home, and retweeting their favorites.
The BEST of the best in each category will be voted on by Leah herself!
Expo Hall/Check-in
-Brands at their tables
-Hospitality Rooms on Second Floor (Earth Mama Angel Baby, Traditional Medicinals, Pure Natural Diva, Recharge Room with Naturpedic, and Ed Brown’s interview room)
-Stonyfield’s featured snack from 5-6pm (1st and 2nd floor tables)
-Kombucha Cocktails from Kombucha Kamp and Uncle Matt’s
-People getting their yoga on
-Travis Elliot doing his yoga thing
-Breakfast goodness: sponsors set-up (@FarmboxLA @OrganicValley, @RudisOrganic @Applegate @NaturesPath)
-The food
-The beverage station
-Food trucks
The Expo Hall
Party Time!
-Second Floor Party 5:30-7:00pm
-Reception with Sara Snow and/or SWAG
The 5K
Expo Hall
Dance Party!