When is ShiftCon?
ShiftCon is October 2-4, 2014 in Los Angeles, CA.
What hotel is hosting ShiftCon?
Crowne Plaza Los Angeles International Airport
5985 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90045
Contact: 310-642-7500 Fax: 310-649-4035
Email: [email protected]
Who is going to ShiftCon?
150 bloggers AND 40 industry professionals valuing wellness, health and the environment.
What meals are included with the ShiftCon ticket?
Both breakfasts and receptions on Thursday, Friday & Saturday night will be covered with your ShiftCon conference pass. Receptions will have appetizers and drinks.
You are on your own for lunch, but we are bringing organic and farm fresh food trucks to the hotel. The hotel also offers lunch, drinks, fire stone pizzas & sushi.
What if I have allergies or dietary restrictions?
Make sure to let us know about your dietary restrictions on the form when you purchase your tickets. We will make sure you are given options.
What if I don’t eat GMOs?
All meals provided by ShiftCon will be free from genetically modified ingredients (GMOs). In addition, all produce served during the conference will be from local organic farms.
How do I get my hotel room?
Call 1-866-400-0350 and let them know you are with the “ShiftCon Conference” in October. The Crowne Plaza is offering the same rate of $139 per night three days before AND three days after conference as well so you can stay and sight see if you wish.
What airport should I arrive in?
LAX should be your destination. The hotel is located just one mile form that airport. It will be a two minute taxi ride to your destination.
How do I get to the hotel from LAX?
The hotel will be providing shuttles to and from LAX all day Thursday and Sunday. If you don’t want to take a shuttle, you can take a two minute cab. Seriously, two minutes.
When should I get to the hotel?
You should plan to arrive between 3-6pm on Thursday, October 2nd to be able to able to join us for registration and opening expo time. The last event of the night is our Opening reception starting at 7pm.
How are we practicing what we preach?
Because the environment is so important to us, we practice what we preach. All the food provided by ShiftCon will be sourced from local farms, which will cut down on fossil fuels and support the local economy. Composting bins will be placed by all trash cans so you can help us bring natural nutrients back to the soil in a local worm farm. And the rest of the leftover food will be donated to local organizations.
We have also selected an eco-friendly hotel. Not only is this hotel very close to the airport, cutting down on fossil fuels, but it has also received the following awards and certifications: California Green Lodging Program, Green Engage Bronze Certified Hotel, and LEED Certified Valet Services. Our hotel has a reputation for recycling, conserving energy, using public transportation, avoiding plastics and Styrofoam, and providing vegetarian options to their guests.